Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Planning ahead can relieve stress

Planning ahead can help you relieve stress. Just like finally listening to the nag you have in the back of your mind that keeps reminding you that you need to get back to the gym. But there is a downfall to planning ahead and that is if you are trying to plan to far ahead. In comes the anxiety. That's for a later time, but yes, a good plan is never a mistake.

I had my field trip today, so yesterday I looked at the paperwork, again, and noticed the time of pick up, where we were going, how many I would have on board, and what time we would be arriving back at school. Well my pick up time was for 8:15am and we would not be arriving back at school until about 1. With my lifestyle change I knew that I needed to be prepared with my lunch and snacks and everything else I might need. Also you remember the fiasco I had last friday? No lunch or snack because I was to lazy to get my rears out of bed. Well this week was way, way different. We are still on the night before. I call my husband and asked him to stop at the store for a few things. I needed lettuce, carrots, and cherry tomatoes, he also added some Mini Babybel cheese, AMAZING! So I grab my vegetable knife, yes it's green, and my Pampered Chef Close and Cut, wonderful tool, and cut my tomatoes in half. But the lettuce in the Pampered Chef Make and Take Mason Jar along with the tomatoes and added the dressing in the secret compartment in the top of the lid and bamb I was set. Done! That had my two vegetable that I am allowed for lunch. I packed my two proteins, carbohydrate, and my fat was in the dressing. Lunch was packed, in my lunch box and waiting for me in the refrigerator for in the morning. Also while all this was going on with me I also used my Pampered Chef simple slice and sliced up 5 red potatoes and had them ready in about 8 minutes. All and all I had dinner fixed, and my lunch packed in about 20 minutes. I take a minute and show you the products I used to help me get this done so fast.

Make and Take Mason Jar Set

                                                                                                        Simple Slicer
Close and Cut set                                        

By the time the morning came I was so refreshed and relaxed that I was able to pop out of bed and go take my shower, fix my breakfast, and pack the last additional items I needed for my trip. This is one time when being prepared really paid off for me big time. My day when as smooth as a babies butt today. lol

God's love, peace and joy to you,

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