Friday, May 26, 2017

I am with you


"I am with you". Four little words but they are filled with meaning. My understanding of this phrase is that someone has promised to be by your side forever. Ah ha, there is one word in that meaning that a lot of people have problems with, "promise". This is your word that you are going to do something. "Mom, I promise I will take the trash out in the morning before the trash man get here". How many times have I heard that one and my teenager sleeps right through the clanging and banging of the truck outside the house while dumping the neighbors trash. Yes this is a little promise. One that frequently gets broken and as a parent we are disappointed in our teens actions of a broken word but we forgive and move on to the next time. BUT, if someone says they will be with you always and then they forget their promise and turn their back on you, you are more than crushed. Your heart is broken. You take marriage vows that say I will be with you always and then next thing you know you're in divorce court! Why! What in the world happened between the I do and the I can't stand you anymore! We fail to remember that we have made a promise and when things get hard we just want to tuck our tails and run. There are way to many of us that have experienced this kind of disappointment and when we fall it is very hard to get back up.

All of my children has this can do attitude. When they are faced with adversity they always looks for a way to solve the problem. They don't run from things, hence their issues with anxiety just like their Mom. Sorry babies for putting that out there. My children are my inspiration because they never give up. They have always been challenged by their father and I do mean always. When he says it's time to give up on that they start thinking "heck no", step back, look at the problem, and find a solution just to spite Dad. I kinda think it's funny because I was the absolute opposite when I was younger. If my Mom told me I couldn't do something then I guess I wasn't good enough to do it. Many times I have gotten my bubble busted. Even my husband did the same thing to me. However on the other hand he made me stop and take a hard look at what I wanted to do and make sure it was a good thing and not just jump in blindly and fall flat on my face. I've done that a lot too. lol

Honestly the phrase "I am with you" can only be help up by one person or rather higher power, God. He sent His Son to save our souls and I know this to be true because this is my faith, my belief. Today is my first day on summer vacation and I decided that I wanted to subscribe to a daily devotional called "The Upper Room". Well this morning I read their blog post and it was very profound for me. It was speaking about Moses and how he was just a simple sheep herder when God came to him and said that he would deliver Him people from Pharaoh. "Me, you're talking to me"? "I'm just a little ole sheep herder". God said "little or not. With you I can do great things". This is all paraphrased of course, but God was telling Moses that He was always with him, no matter what. This is true for us today as well. There are many times in our lives, if not everyday, that God shows us that he is with us. It might be just a little message through a reading or a tv preacher says just the right words that get your attention, or something is said or a song comes on the radio that hits your heart just right. God is letting you know that He is there. Right by your side. Never give up, never stop trying, and never, never stop praying.

I am praying for our world and all that entails every day. I have really been diligent about it for the last couple of weeks and I am scared that I am going to forget to do it while on vacation because my pray time was when I got on the bus in the morning before I picked up my first student, during my drive. My quiet time. No distraction, except the occasional driver that has no idea what they are doing to other around them or my mind starts to wander from my point and I start thinking about something else. God forgives me for this transgression, Amen. I pray for all the individuals driving around me, their families, my family, extended family, all my blessings, and then I get specific. I know that He knows what my struggles are but I have learned that it is not selfish to ask specifically for that particular trial. It's not selfish to ask God to bless my Pampered Chef business or my job at my school. God likes it when we are specific. There are a couple of things, recently, I have had to lay at the feet of my Lord and I am learning to let Him handle the situation. My heart is light and I am happy. I have a blessed life, with blessed children and family, and I know that my Lord loves me. I am good enough and I do matter. I am a child of God!  

God's Love, Peace and Joy to you

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