Wednesday, May 31, 2017

My Why

Every one of us has their own story. Their story about their lives and their why's. Their why's are why they do what they do. Many people have incredible talents and we see this evidence on tv everyday in the form of the entertainment we enjoy, or someone has the most incredible voice and we love to listen to their CD's or on the radio. Then there are others that have a much more quite talents. Some have the talent of hospitality, charity, or they are crafty, and even others talents lie in the kitchen. They cook, bake, stew, simmer, boil, knead dough, use fresh herbs and make people happy through their tummies. I love to make people happy by providing them an excellent meal. Nothing makes me happier then to hear someone say "that was so good. I want your recipe". Most of the time though I stay in the background. I like to hear the compliments but I would rather just stay in the kitchen. Quite talent.

So with my quiet talent, that I have used but kept underwraps for many many years, I come to my why. Why did I decide to join The Pampered Chef? Why do I love to cook? Why do I love kitchen gadgets? To explain my why I will have to go back many years.

In 1986 I graduated from high school. It was a proud accomplishment for me but anything beyond high school was not something I was encouraged to do. No college was suggested, BUT my Catering (home economics) teacher encouraged me to attend a culinary school. I wanted to. I was excited about doing something like that, but I was told it was to expensive and that it was a very difficult profession to be in. Hence, no encouragement. I worked in the retail trade (yuck), K-Mart, Wal-Mart, and Revco (Rite Aid). I had no "education" so I was not going to go anywhere in either of the companies I was in, not to mention I didn't know how to be a manager. I had no training and I was untrainable, at the time. So I worked at these deadbeat jobs until I entered the logistics end of the retail business. Fancy way of saying that I worked in a warehouse. I worked at a couple of them and I found out that I really liked that kind of work but my body, by this time, was breaking down. My spine was compressing the disks in my back and I wasn't able to feel my right foot. All the damage did not just come from the back breaking work I was doing. I was obese all my life and I had two babies. If you know anything about carrying a baby in your tummy you know that it is a front load. I already had a heavy stomach but the added weight of a baby only made the damage to my spine more prevalent. Anyway, in October 2014, I think, I had back surgery to fuse my spinal column down in the lumbar region of my spine and the Doctor cleaned out some arthritis in the spaces below that. He explained that there was much more arthritis there then the x-rays revealed. Well as I laid at home, trying to heal, I came to the realization that there was no way I was going to be able to return to the warehouse. I needed to do something else. Between the retail and the warehouse I did learn to drive a school bus, so I did earn my class B CDL.
So I went to a local private school (on the advice from a friend), did public and didn't want to go back, and got a job driving a bus, again. I love it but I wanted more. With each job I have had I learned that I was uneducated and would always be the grunt. So without a college education and learning on the fly. I decided, with the help of my cousin, that I would be a consultant, but which company. I tried Jamberry Nail Wraps, but it wasn't my passion. Then a friend reminded me of The Pampered Chef. Ah, my passion, cooking and making people happy through delicious foods they enjoyed eating.

I started working with The Pampered Chef in the winter of 2016, February, and I loved it. I finally realized I was worth something. There was no one here telling me that I was never going to go anywhere. I was the leader of my own path! What a wonderful feeling and today I still have to remind myself that this is not a sprint it is a marathon. I am trying to build a quality business to give others the quality of life they deserve or want. I am trying to build others to their God given ability and talents and help them realize they too can give their children their time and earn a quality paycheck.

It has been over a year now with this company and the support my Pampered Chef family has shown me is fantastic. I could not ask for more than what I have here. The love, care, and support is what I am striving to share with others. If you think you would love to achieve your life's dreams you can contact me via my website at

God's Love, Peace, and Joy to you,

Friday, May 26, 2017

I am with you


"I am with you". Four little words but they are filled with meaning. My understanding of this phrase is that someone has promised to be by your side forever. Ah ha, there is one word in that meaning that a lot of people have problems with, "promise". This is your word that you are going to do something. "Mom, I promise I will take the trash out in the morning before the trash man get here". How many times have I heard that one and my teenager sleeps right through the clanging and banging of the truck outside the house while dumping the neighbors trash. Yes this is a little promise. One that frequently gets broken and as a parent we are disappointed in our teens actions of a broken word but we forgive and move on to the next time. BUT, if someone says they will be with you always and then they forget their promise and turn their back on you, you are more than crushed. Your heart is broken. You take marriage vows that say I will be with you always and then next thing you know you're in divorce court! Why! What in the world happened between the I do and the I can't stand you anymore! We fail to remember that we have made a promise and when things get hard we just want to tuck our tails and run. There are way to many of us that have experienced this kind of disappointment and when we fall it is very hard to get back up.

All of my children has this can do attitude. When they are faced with adversity they always looks for a way to solve the problem. They don't run from things, hence their issues with anxiety just like their Mom. Sorry babies for putting that out there. My children are my inspiration because they never give up. They have always been challenged by their father and I do mean always. When he says it's time to give up on that they start thinking "heck no", step back, look at the problem, and find a solution just to spite Dad. I kinda think it's funny because I was the absolute opposite when I was younger. If my Mom told me I couldn't do something then I guess I wasn't good enough to do it. Many times I have gotten my bubble busted. Even my husband did the same thing to me. However on the other hand he made me stop and take a hard look at what I wanted to do and make sure it was a good thing and not just jump in blindly and fall flat on my face. I've done that a lot too. lol

Honestly the phrase "I am with you" can only be help up by one person or rather higher power, God. He sent His Son to save our souls and I know this to be true because this is my faith, my belief. Today is my first day on summer vacation and I decided that I wanted to subscribe to a daily devotional called "The Upper Room". Well this morning I read their blog post and it was very profound for me. It was speaking about Moses and how he was just a simple sheep herder when God came to him and said that he would deliver Him people from Pharaoh. "Me, you're talking to me"? "I'm just a little ole sheep herder". God said "little or not. With you I can do great things". This is all paraphrased of course, but God was telling Moses that He was always with him, no matter what. This is true for us today as well. There are many times in our lives, if not everyday, that God shows us that he is with us. It might be just a little message through a reading or a tv preacher says just the right words that get your attention, or something is said or a song comes on the radio that hits your heart just right. God is letting you know that He is there. Right by your side. Never give up, never stop trying, and never, never stop praying.

I am praying for our world and all that entails every day. I have really been diligent about it for the last couple of weeks and I am scared that I am going to forget to do it while on vacation because my pray time was when I got on the bus in the morning before I picked up my first student, during my drive. My quiet time. No distraction, except the occasional driver that has no idea what they are doing to other around them or my mind starts to wander from my point and I start thinking about something else. God forgives me for this transgression, Amen. I pray for all the individuals driving around me, their families, my family, extended family, all my blessings, and then I get specific. I know that He knows what my struggles are but I have learned that it is not selfish to ask specifically for that particular trial. It's not selfish to ask God to bless my Pampered Chef business or my job at my school. God likes it when we are specific. There are a couple of things, recently, I have had to lay at the feet of my Lord and I am learning to let Him handle the situation. My heart is light and I am happy. I have a blessed life, with blessed children and family, and I know that my Lord loves me. I am good enough and I do matter. I am a child of God!  

God's Love, Peace and Joy to you

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Empty Nest Syndrom

As I sit here constructing this post I am having to deal with my emotions. Today was the last day of school, for me anyway, for this school year. It's my first year at this school and I can tell you that private school is way way different from public school. In public school, on the last day of school students can't wait to get away from you because you are one of the sources of their pain. You are the one that drives them to school where they have to learn something and sit all day and pay attention. You are the bane of their existence.

In this private school things are different. Yes the students are happy to begin their summer vacation but they don't run away from you. They take the time to hug you and thank you, wish you a wonderful summer, and tell you that you are sweet. AWE. I get all misty eyed thinking about my day today. I am really going to miss my students this summer. They are so wonderful, not that public school students aren't. They are really good students. I remember when I first started working on the bus for the public school system and that first year they gave me a permanent route that was supposed to be one of the roughest neighborhoods in the city. Well no doubt it was a rough neighborhood but my students treated me with so much respect. I really loved them. I got attached to them and then the next year the school system, transportation department specifically, changed my route to somewhere else. Man my parents were pissed. They made calls downtown and everything but nothing would change their minds. From that point on my experience with public schools went down hill until the final year I was there. I had another great group of students but I knew that I wouldn't have them the next year and I just couldn't go through that again, not to mention the office staff didn't really know how to treat people fairly. Anyway I left the public sector and enter into the warehouse sector. Back breaking work, literally. Hot summers, freezing winters, and couldn't make anyone happy. Well that is an exaggeration. I made my supervisor very happy as well as the Director, but my boss on the other hand is a different story.

As I am dealing with this empty nest syndrome I am reminded when it started here at home. My oldest daughter was moving out, not her choice, and I felt crushed. I cried buckets of tears no one knew about, until now, and a lot of my emotions came out in anger. I hope she can forgive me for that. I was hurting and I didn't know what to do with all that pain. I still had my middle daughter at home as well as my baby girl, but, and I don't mean to hurt anyone here, but she was my first born! She was never supposed to leave! She was my best friend and best friends never leave! Kinda selfish right? I know that now. I cut my teeth on her and by the time it was the middle daughters time to leave I handled it much better then before. Besides she is the hardest person in the world to deal with first thing in the morning. God, don't even look at her because she will bite you head off. Many mornings started out with an argument with her. Now that she is on her own she and I have grown a lot closer. My oldest daughter has proven to me time after time that she still needs her Mama and I love those calls when they come as much as I love the text messages when I am sad to "hold you head up buttercup. It's going to get better". I love my children to infinity and back, if there is a back from that. I pray for them everyday and I hope they realize just how much they mean to me. Nothing can ever replace your children. Grandchildren come in real real close. I could dote all over them and my fur grand babies as well. All of them are growing up to fast and time does not seem to want to stop or slow down.

Empty nesters heed my word. It will get easier over time. It is not easy. That is why being a parent is not for the weak. It takes a strong person to get through the severing of each little apron string, but don't be surprised that you find out one day that not all of them have been cut and they will come back to you.

God's love, peace, and joy to you

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Kids in the Kitchen

I love to see kids in the kitchen. I never had the energy to do it with mine and that is very disappointing on my party as a parent. My bills ruled my life instead of me taking charge of my life and paying attention to my children.

Anyway that is the sad part of this post. The Pampered Chef has worked hard for the last 36-37 years to build individuals to the best of their God given talents and to build healthy families. We are committee to teaching adults and children the power of the family table and to teach the art of giving back. Laura Austin - The Pampered Chef

I have wonderful memories of being in the kitchen. That's usually where we would eat breakfast, lunch or have a snack, but at dinner time it was into the dining room. Placemats, coasters, real plates, and real flatware. It was very important to my family to eat this meal at the dining room table. But I don't ever remember my Grandma or my Mom teaching me to cook. I don't ever remember helping to measure out the ingredients for anything. I remember though, one day in particular. I came home from school and I had my afternoon snack with my Grandma, we lived with Grandma, and Grandma was chasing me around the kitchen table and I would make her laugh by blowing up my cheeks and crossing my eyes. She laughed so hard at me. LOL. That is one of my most cherished kitchen memories. My Mom and Grandma took care of me very well, but I still don't remember ever being taught HOW to cook. I took a home economics class in high school, catering, and I loved it. It was there that I learned a lot about cooking.

With all of the violence in the world, case in point the recent bombing in the UK, the constant shootings we have in our area here, where is the love, where has all of this hate and discontent come from. As a society, have we lost so much that we can't get it back. We have lost an entire generation to this discontent. We, adults, have lost sight at how important our children are for our future. We are more focused on making the needed money to just survive in the country. All of our utilities are so high we can afford to pay them but we can't afford to have them turned off because our children will freeze in the winter and roast in the summer, since global warming has gotten so bad. We cannot live without water, and you can't really cook very well without it either. We have to have transportation to get to and from work and because the boss wants us to be in at 6 or 7 am we have to give over our children to a childcare provider. And God help that childcare provider if there is an issue and they try to correct it then and there. The parents go off! I have always said that it take a tribe to raise children. Each individual has something to teach. What a parent see as the child not being rude, may be rude to someone else. We have to teach our children how to talk to others with respect and we have to teach them that they really do need to care about the other persons feelings. I know raising children is the hardest job in the world, I have been working on three of my own. It's not easy and not for the faint of heart. There is so much we really need to fix in this world, but we need to continue to take our families back. We can't afford to continue to lose them to a faulty society.

Monday, May 22, 2017

In need of prayer

I don't know what to do today. I'm feeling meh today. I'm praying a lot. I want to smile, I  want to post, I  want to work my business, but I just don't have the energy today. I do have a few things on my mind but I  didn't think it was bothering me.

I know it's really my fault because I  over extended my money this pay period. There are a couple of bulls i can't pay and it's really bothering me.

I went to church yesterday and it was youth Sunday. It was really good and e sang hymns that were my favorite like "Lord I life your name on High" and "Shout to the Lord". I love those because they are so up beat and inspiring. I also did something that I haven't done in years and that was i paid my tithes. I feel that it's very important in my life. It really always had been but I've never really done it constantly. As I  am turning over this new leaf in my life I feel that I  need to do this. Good has blessed me with so much in my life and He continues to show me everyday. I also know that when I  am feeling like this I must continue to have faith. Even if it is just the faith of a mustard seed and that is all I can muster right now God is still happy, but it's not enough for me. At this time, right now, as I  am typing this I am laying it at the feet of my Lord.


Oh, I wanted to tell you! I used these two amazing products this weekend. The ceramic egg coffee and the indoor/outdoor grill. I made an egg and cheese omelet and a single serve blueberry lemon muffin. They were both amazing and on the grill I did lemon pepper chicken. So juicy and tender. WOW! The egg coffee is$15.50 + tax and shipping and the grill is $125.00 + tax and shipping. If you would really like to get the grill or even the egg coffee for free contact me and I'll tell you how.

Laura Austin - The Pampered Chef

Friday, May 19, 2017

Stepping it up


Remember when I said that was was going to have to step it up with my lifestyle change? That I was to the point that the water weight was gone and now it's time to burn the "real" fat? Well on Thursday I decided that was a good day to begin the second leg of my journey.

I was sitting at home, working; yes on my Pampered Chef business, and I received a phone call from my boss at the school. She asked me if I could help get one of our busses back to the school as the repairs had been finished. Of course I told her yes. Well she told me to be at the school by 1 and I was about 15 minutes early and my fellow bus driver that was going with me was about 10 minutes early. I know him so well. We went on and got the bus and I headed back to school. Well I couldn't see parking the bus, going back home for 30 minutes, and driving back to school. So I decided I would just stay at school and instead of just sitting there I went for a walk on the school track. Now mind you, there was a wonderful breeze blowing and it really wasn't to bad outside. I'm excited, I am going to do this. I'm walking along, doing fine when I realize that my feet were stinging. Holy Mother of God! The devil was licking my feet. Don't Google that for a graphic. My eyes hurt and I dumped my cookies right away. lol. Anyway, I was determined that I was not going to give up. I wanted to get in my 30 minutes so I could get my 30 fit points. I lasted about 25 minutes. I had blisters on the balls of my feet that were the size of half dollars. I DO NOT recommend that you walk in 93 degree heat, on an asphalt track, with the wrong shoes. I had on tennis shoes but they were not walking shoes and the heat went right through them. Phew what an adventure I had.

I have to tell you that I have been feeling very at peace this last week. I have dedicated myself to a new lifestyle and I am sticking to it. I am finding it easier to get up in the mornings. I've gone from 3 alarms down to 1, and I am smiling a lot more and having a lot more positive thoughts. There is one thing that I have changed, something that I should have been doing my whole life, and that is I pray. I might no do it when I first get up but by the time I get on the bus, I am praying while I am driving. I praise my Lord for all that he has given me, and then even though is knows all, I ask for something specific and I find that He is there. He is watching over me. I am a human! An imperfect human! Of course that statement leads right back to "What does it mean to be an Adult". All your bills are paid, and on time, your house is immaculate, your yard is cut and trimmed and flowerbeds weeded, your dishes are clean and put away and your kitchen is so clean you could eat off the floor. You are perfect! Well I was told that if I was like that, then I shouldn't be here on earth because only God is perfect. I am so thankful that I do make mistakes, as long as I learn from them. Because I would not want to miss a minute of my life here on earth with my family and my friends.

God's love, joy and peach to you

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Be your own BOSS

You get up in the morning, thank the Lord, and you get ready for work. Shower, dress, breakfast (maybe), coffee (a must), get in the car (get caught in traffic), finally get to work and your doing great, you haven't spilled coffee on you (yet). Punch in at the computer and if you are a grunt like me, let the sweating begin. Work harder then hard for the boss for 8 hours, go home with muscles hurting you never thought you had or you're sitting at your desk all day on the computer and your carpal tunnel has kicked in and your back and butt are hurting so bad it's hard to get up and walk because your stiff. Now I know that companies like this are trying to be more opened minded and getting computer/office workers these ergonomic desk that allow you to stand up at your station and get the blood flowing again, kudos to them. Thanks for helping. Ok your day is done and you are on the way home. Punch out, get in your car, get in traffic (again), and when you finally get home you're so tired that the idea of fixing something to eat is the farthest thought from your mind. Sit down in the easy chair, breath a sigh of relief, and here's a happy thought. GET UP AND DO IT ALL AGAIN TOMORROW! Oh yeah.  If you are a wife and a Mom, or a single Father even, Lord help you, let us pray. Do you really want me to go through that list of things to do. No I don't think I will take the time. We would be here all day reading what has to be done. Let's just say there is a better way for you to make extra money in spare time (if you have any), or to eventually replace your paycheck, AND it's fun. So you can do this......

Or you could consider this.......


You could have more time for your family by working around their schedule. Work where you want and when you want. Never again have to sit in traffic and breathe exhaust fumes that are not really good for you. I am not saying to quit your job right this minute because I am not saying that the money and time is just going to fall into your lap. What I am saying is that with a lot of hard work, an investment into yourself, and consistency you already have you CAN make some extra money or even replace a paycheck (sometimes surpass). You can contact me or visit my website for more information. Laura Austin - The Pampered Chef

According to there are 5 signs that you are ready to be your own boss.
*ALL the information given below is copy and pasted from the website.

You have ideas
There’s much debate about whether entrepreneurs are born or made, but they all share something in common: a list of ideas that just won’t stop growing and evolving. When they look at business, they see innovation, ways to improve, and opportunities missed.
This insight is described as a blessing and a curse, but if you have that ability, it’s a clear sign you might be suited to going it alone. This drive and resilience may mean you’re willing to take a risk, back yourself, and have more than one plan on how to achieve your aim.
Good Product
Whether you have created it yourself or have come across a product you’d like to be associated with, having a great product or service is imperative to your business success. If your motivation to be in business is about managing your own time and using your skills, there are a host of options.
There are some great companies that want inspired people on board under their own terms, such as Telcoinabox, who can help set you up to be your own telecommunications provider.
If you believe in your idea and have the passion to drive it, there’s a good chance you’re ready to be your own boss. Business requires an unshakeable belief – in your concept, your product, and your ability to deliver it. Passion guarantees job satisfaction. It also inspires enthusiasm in your team and customers.
Want something different
Many people realize it’s time to go into their own business when they find themselves sitting at their desks and begrudging their jobs, wishing they could manage their own time and do it their own way. Successful business people will often tell you a major reason they went into business was simply to be their own boss.
Business Awareness
A great way to recognize you are ready to own your own business is to know how business works, particularly in your chosen field. Hospitality is different to sales, maintenance is different to manufacturing, but if you have an awareness of the industry, ability to learn, and some experience in how business operates, then you’re already part of the way there.
Any person entering their own business accepts that it’s a risk. Few things in life are guaranteed, and business is no different. But if you have passion, drive, a great product and some know-how, it could be a risk that reaps huge financial returns and amazing lifestyle rewards.
Do you think you’re ready for the leap? Share in the comments the signs you’ve noticed that might indicate it’s time for you to take a chance on running your own business.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Planning ahead can relieve stress

Planning ahead can help you relieve stress. Just like finally listening to the nag you have in the back of your mind that keeps reminding you that you need to get back to the gym. But there is a downfall to planning ahead and that is if you are trying to plan to far ahead. In comes the anxiety. That's for a later time, but yes, a good plan is never a mistake.

I had my field trip today, so yesterday I looked at the paperwork, again, and noticed the time of pick up, where we were going, how many I would have on board, and what time we would be arriving back at school. Well my pick up time was for 8:15am and we would not be arriving back at school until about 1. With my lifestyle change I knew that I needed to be prepared with my lunch and snacks and everything else I might need. Also you remember the fiasco I had last friday? No lunch or snack because I was to lazy to get my rears out of bed. Well this week was way, way different. We are still on the night before. I call my husband and asked him to stop at the store for a few things. I needed lettuce, carrots, and cherry tomatoes, he also added some Mini Babybel cheese, AMAZING! So I grab my vegetable knife, yes it's green, and my Pampered Chef Close and Cut, wonderful tool, and cut my tomatoes in half. But the lettuce in the Pampered Chef Make and Take Mason Jar along with the tomatoes and added the dressing in the secret compartment in the top of the lid and bamb I was set. Done! That had my two vegetable that I am allowed for lunch. I packed my two proteins, carbohydrate, and my fat was in the dressing. Lunch was packed, in my lunch box and waiting for me in the refrigerator for in the morning. Also while all this was going on with me I also used my Pampered Chef simple slice and sliced up 5 red potatoes and had them ready in about 8 minutes. All and all I had dinner fixed, and my lunch packed in about 20 minutes. I take a minute and show you the products I used to help me get this done so fast.

Make and Take Mason Jar Set

                                                                                                        Simple Slicer
Close and Cut set                                        

By the time the morning came I was so refreshed and relaxed that I was able to pop out of bed and go take my shower, fix my breakfast, and pack the last additional items I needed for my trip. This is one time when being prepared really paid off for me big time. My day when as smooth as a babies butt today. lol

God's love, peace and joy to you,

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Oh my what a day already. I have to tell you all that I was sitting here trying to think about what I was going to talk about today or what I was going to complain about. I have to laugh at myself though. Thoughts kept sneaking in from the back of my mind. You know that wonderful to do list that we all have. Dishes, laundry, etc.

I went to work this morning like a normal more, except on time, lol, and left school on time. I'm going down the road and traffic starts to stop. I'm like, "let's keep going people, what is what they make sunglasses for". We were all headed in an easterly direction. Well the traffic just kept stacking up and we were coming to a complete stop and I start watching the clock. I know that I am going to be late for my students, so I call in and told her what was going on. By the way my friends please pray for the people involved in the multi-car accident that happened this morning.
Getting back to the back of my mind. As I was sitting there in traffic I kept thinking about how I am going to have to step things up now. I have reached the end of the first stage of my weight loss, I'm done losing all the water weight now it is time to burn the fat. I have a Fitbit and I also have a Pebble. My Pebble is connected to my phone and my Fitbit to my tablet. I want to keep track of my walking activity, drinking enough water, and making sure I get up and move around every hour. I will get lost when I am working on the computer and I will sit for hours. So while we are at a full stop I start loading the apps I want on my phone/watch. lol.

Ok, so I finally go home and I know that I have work to do on the computer. So I sit down and start going through the different things that I always do and got side tracked. I stopped working on my business and started organizing files. I swear sometimes I have ADD. Well I get to the part where I pull up my blog and I think, "ok, what are we going to try to enlighten ourselves about today". The page sat there for about ten minutes, blank. Not one work, no thoughts coming to my mind except that little voice in the back of my mind again telling me to get off my butt and get your laundry done as well as the dishes. My dishwasher is broken so I have to hand wash them. Yuck! Anyway, I get off my behind and I start doing my chores and thinking, in the back of my mind again, what I need to do to prepare for tomorrows field trip. I won't be home for lunch so I have to be prepared. If manage to finish my dishes and I have one load of laundry in the dryer and one in the washer and LOOK, here I am. Writing away as if something has been freed in me. I still have to prepare my food for my field trip tomorrow, but that will be easy. I will take left overs from tonight! Yeah, problem solved, except my husband will still have to go to the store after work for me so I have everything I need more dinner.
I sure am having a blast laughing at myself today. And one more thing I have to laugh at is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is on Oxygen today!

Goodness my pot roast smells good.

I have to give myself credit where credit is due. Even though I have reached a small plateau in my weight loss I am not discouraged. The craving for sugar and fat have ALMOST gone away and I have stuck to my menu. I have no desire to stop at Hardee's in the mornings anymore and I don't want to stop at the BP and get a 44oz. diet soda either. I can drive right past them and I do not get any pangs of regret that I started this change in lifestyle. When I know that I am not going to be home I have begun to pre plan my meals or if I know we are going out I start think ahead of time what I can order.

I am doing great and I am enough. I am worth the skin I live in and I am worth loving. I am beautiful and my husband and children, and grand children, love me! My life is blessed! I give all this AWESOMENESS to my Lord above, because if it were not for him I would not have what I have today.

With God's love, joy and peace

Monday, May 15, 2017


As promised I am back to tell you about Sunday.

Sunday morning we all got up and went to early morning church service, and it was great as it always is. The Preacher knows just how to step on my toes to make me sit up and listen. Sometimes my toes really hurt when I am not be the Christian I should be and she dances on my toes. My mind imagines a little tiny Preacher happily singing and dancing on my toes while looking up and me and smiling. It's like she is saying "you get it now". Ouch Preacher, yeah I get it. lol

Anyway I got a little lightheaded as we were singing the hymns and I had to sit down. Once I was stable I continued to sing while sitting between my husband and our youngest daughter. After the service was over my husband asked me what was wrong and I explained to him that my body was going through a transition as I am not eating refined sugar anymore or drinking soda's. So I am in that adjustment period and I get lightheaded on occasion.

Well after church we went home so we could get something to eat, yes I ate my breakfast but I needed a little more, and sit down and relax before meeting my middle daughter and her fiance' for dinner at Olive Garden to celebrate Mother's Day together. I got a little tired while waiting, after all it was quite a long time before we had to meet them, so I took a nap. About 3:30 I received a phone call from her that her fiance' was sick and they would not be able to make it. "Ok" I said, and told my husband that dinner was off. He asked me what I wanted to do. And here is the kicker my friends, He said, "I know with this "diet" you are on you don't really want to go out and eat do you"? Now that was amazing for me because he helped to not self sabotage myself. He supports me in my endeavor and is proud of how hard I am working on it. We sat back for a while and watched some really great movies on the Lifetime channel and when dinner came I fixed dinner for us and when the time came I went to bed very peacefully. What a wonderful Mother's Day I had!

God's Peace, Love and Joy to you all

God Fixes Everything

Ok friends, you know how I was telling you on Saturday just how things went on Friday? Well now today is Monday and I want to share with you this morning.

I got on my bus route as usual and my mind is going 1,000 miles a minute. Why does my boss want to talk to me about my route. I, again, was working myself up into a fit. So, I started to pray. I said the Lord's Prayer first, then the Serenity Prayer, and finally I just flat out asked him to take the situation and  bestow upon me the right attitude and words. Well......

I got to school and I waited for my boss, she was talking with another driver, and she explained to me what was going on. There was a reason the route was being driven the way it was and that it really needed to go back that way, because of "this" situation. I'm thinking, "Oh my Lord in Heaven, You are my Savior and here you are, again, saving my soul from the black pit of despair. I just explained the situation from my end and she understood and then after hearing her end, well, I understood. Back to the old way I go. It's a headache but I would rather keep my job then lose it over something as trivial as what it really was.

God showed Himself to me all weekend. My husband was so loving and supportive of me with the new life journey I am on, and He handled Saturday morning. I think my husband is proud of me for sticking to my gun yesterday too. Ok, let me finish what I started and I will tell you what happened on Sunday.

As I continued on my route I kept asking God to take it and He did. He truly fixed what I was about to screw up.

Peace, Love, and Joy to you all

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Emotional Eating

Well today I have a question for you. Have you ever been so upset that instead of talking it out you ate it out?
I can honestly say, that was me on Friday. Let me begin at the, well, beginning.

It all began on Thursday night. I came home from work and attended a couple of parties I had going on online. One I was hosting for a dear friend and the other she was hosting for me, She's Thirty-one and I am The Pampered Chef. Having parties online is great! I finally found a way to be in two places at one time. Anyway, just as I was finishing up the parties my lower legs, mostly my feet, started to cramp. Real bad. Feet going in one direction and toes in awkward directions. All very painful, nonetheless.  I tried to eat a banana and drink water and take some Ibuprofen, but that didn't work. Finally I asked my husband if he had anything that I could use and he offered me one of his muscle relaxers. Nurses and Doctors reading this don't go crazy. I know that I shouldn't do that, but I was desperate. Well it worked and the muscles in my legs calmed down and I was able to sleep. Yey me!
Okay, let's move to the next morning.

It is very hard for me to get up in the morning. My alarms start at 4am and go off until I get up at about 5:30am. I told you it's hard for me to get up. lol Anyway, I kept turning off my alarms and when the last one went off I didn't get up. I was so tired. Because I took the medication and didn't go to bed until after 10pm, I didn't want to wake up so I didn't want to get up. I cracked my eye open and about jumped out of bed as the clock read 5:55 and I really needed to be out of the house by 6am. Funny right? I still needed to make my breakfast, as I had been doing very well on my diet, no lifestyle change, and I could have really used a shower but I had to forego that and there was no way I was going to have time to fix breakfast. My thought process was that I would just stop at Hardee's for breakfast. Just once would be ok, right? My gut was like, no, you're going so well on this, do you really want to take a step backward now? My stomach and I drove right past Hardee's and I got on the bus and did my thing. I thought, okay I'll finish my bus route and hopefully the fieldtrip is an 8:45 pick up and I can go home in between and fix me something to eat and throw something together for a lunch. But wait, I had a food voucher for the park and didn't need lunch. Ok, cool, that gave me a more open window of time because it doesn't take long to make my breakfast. Nope, that was not going to happen. It was an 8am loading and I don't get to school until 8am. Well no breakfast for me. Okay, I can handle this. This started my day off on the wrong foot because I didn't even have time to take my medicine. I take medicine for depression and anxiety. Living in the past and worrying about the future. I am learning to live in the present.

Moving on, I arrived at the first destination, on the field trip, with the students, teacher, and chaperones, and I'm sitting on the bus. Okay I'm still good. They reboard and we head to the second destination. I decided, along with my friend, that we would not go into the park. It was raining and cold and that is a combination that I do not do well. So, I'm sitting there playing on my tablet and reading my book and receive a phone call. When you hear "we need to talk" from someone, do you automatically cringe inside? I do. Oh crap, what have I done now? What is this all about? Well I had to put the meeting off until the next day, Saturday, and that gave me about 20 hours to think about it and work myself up into a real good fit. Later that afternoon I had to call my boss and ask a question and she said "I need to talk to you about the way you are running your route in the afternoons. We'll talk on Monday". Okay, now I have this to worry about, and I try and try to "let it go", yes I said it. I got so upset that I thought, "okay, that's it, I have had enough. I quit". Well I did have the time to stop myself and really look at things, I had not had a good night sleep so I was tired, and I had not had my medicine for my anxiety. So I was overreacting and overthinking things. Okay, lets get home and close the door, vent to my husband, poor thing, and eat PIZZA. Again I had that conversation with myself about backing up a step and I didn't stop on the way home. I came straight in the house, took my meds, and fixed my dinner. I am real, real proud of myself for those two acts. Yay Me!

After calming down I went to bed early, 7:30, and just relaxed. When I woke up this morning I felt much better. My husband and I went to the meeting and everything was great. A couple of questions asked and answered and the air was cleared and the day brightened up. I am not even worried about Monday, Monday will take care of itself.

So, with all of that being said, emotional eating can be changed. You can take control of your life. You don't have to get caught up in the "whirlpool" of life. It might be hard to swim out of it but you can do it. You can have a life where your emotions do not control you but you control them. I guess what I am trying to say is that, I am there and if you are here with me, in the boat called life, and you feel that you are alone in this. I am here to tell you that you are not alone. Love and support is available, you just have to be willing to seek it out. I hope that you are learning that I love all my friends. The ones I have now and the ones I have not met yet.

All of these thoughts brought me to another awareness, another light bulb moment if you will. I am reading another book by Romi Neustadt, "Get Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building A Life-Changing Business". I'm only in the first chapter two and the title of it is "Why Are You Here? She asks "What is your motivation to becoming a CEO of your own company"? "What is your WHY"? Some said that they wanted to earn back their investment in their business and that was it. They really just wanted the products and she would coach them and ask them to dig a little deeper. She said that your why will make you cry and she was right. My lightbulb came on when I was thinking about everything and my why, right now anyway, is I want to work for myself because I can do it my way. I can learn the tried and true and then tailor make it into me, add my personality. I don't want to be the gruntman anymore. I don't want to be doing all the hard work, sweating my butt off while someone with a college education sits in an airconditioned office and pushes buttons on a computer all day. I don't want to take orders from someone else. I am tired of not being good enough. I realized that I am good enough for me. If I do something in my business that doesn't work that's fine, I'm not going to berate myself or make myself feel bad about it, I will stop, back up, relook at the tried and true and see where I went wrong and fix it. Me! I have myself the authority to succeed. There is no one to sabotage my road to happiness but me, and if I trip, I can always pick myself up, dust myself off and start all over again. I'm not perfect and I am going to make mistakes but with God's loving hand I will get back up.

My love and support to you and Happy Cooking

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Feeling a bit bummed today

I have to tell you, being that I am getting into full confession, that I am behind in the payments to the gym. I was real excited yesterday because I was able to workout. Even though I was behind they let me in. Today I give them a call before I go, I don't want to get embarrased, and I ask them if I can still come in and workout, I have a promise to pay set for the 20th, they said that I needed to bring in some money first and then I would be allowed. Well, I don't have the money right now as I went to the store this morning and bought some more healthy food items that I am allowed to eat this week. So I just told them I would wait until then to workout because I don't get paid until then. Guess to get my points I am going to have to go outside. I hate outside and it's raining.

Okay, with that being said, let's find the rainbows.
1. I have 2 new yoga workout video's I can do.
2. I have my fit board I can do.

Well right now that is all I have. Unfortunately Pollyanna doesn't live here.

Switching Gears
I would really be selfish if I didn't share this with you. Let me ask you a question. Are you married to your job? Do you ever miss out on your children's or grandchildren's important events because you are at work? Is there never enough money left at the end of the month? Well let me share this with you. I am not here to sell you products. Say what! Yeah, that's not what I am here for. I am here to help you get your family back. I am here to help you get more time with your family. I am here to help you have a delicious healthy meal without spending endless hours in the kitchen that you don't have. The images below will give you a small insight into what the earning potential is in this company and what you can get in the small kit. I will give details on the kits, there are 3

The kits are amazing actually

This is the Ultimate kit. It has over $1,000 of product
in it but you only pay $249. If you host a party with me
you can get it for $199.

The deluxe kit is a $650 value but you only pay
$159. Again, host a party with me and you could
only pay $109.

Here's the starter kit. Everything you need to have
a successful show, or several successful shows is
here. It has a $450 value but you pay $109. Again,
host a party with me and you could start that day
for as little as $99.

Now I know that I told you that I am not here to sell you anything. I'm not. I am just letting you know that there is another alternative out there. Also according to there are 8 benefits for children when they eat dinner together as a family.

Supper can be a stress reliever
Believe it or not, if you have a demanding job, finding time to eat with your family may actually leave you feeling less stressed.
In 2008, researchers at Brigham Young University conducted a study of IBM workers and found that sitting down to a family meal helped working moms reduce the tension and strain from long hours at the office. (Interestingly, the effect wasn't as pronounced among dads.) Alas, the study didn't take into account the stress of rushing to get out of the office, picking up the kids, and getting a meal on the table. Secrets to a stress-free family
Kids might learn to love their veggies
A 2000 survey found that the 9- to 14-year-olds who ate dinner with their families most frequently ate more fruits and vegetables and less soda and fried foods. Their diets also had higher amounts of many key nutrients, like calcium, iron, and fiber.
Family dinners allow for both "discussions of nutrition [and] provision of healthful foods," says Matthew W. Gillman, M.D., the survey's lead researcher and the director of the Obesity Prevention Program at the Harvard Medical School.
It's the perfect setting for new foods
A family meal is the perfect opportunity for parents to expose children to different foods and expand their tastes.
In a 2003 study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, children were offered some pieces of sweet red pepper and asked to rate how much they liked it. Then, each day for the next eight school days, they were invited to eat as much of the pepper as they wanted. On the final day, the kids were again asked to rate how much they liked it.
By the end of the experiment, the children rated the pepper more highly and were eating more of it -- even more so than another group of children who were offered a reward for eating the pepper. These results suggest that a little more exposure and a little less "You can leave the table once you finish your broccoli!" will teach kids to enjoy new foods, even if they don't like them at first. 20 easy meals for families to enjoy together
You control the portions
Americans spend more than 40% of their food budget on meals outside of the home. Eating out can be convenient but it's also caloric -- portion sizes in restaurants just keep growing! The average restaurant meal has as much as 60% more calories than a homemade meal. Studies show that when we are presented with more food, we eat more food, possibly leading to our expanding waistlines.
Healthy meals mean healthy kids
Studies have shown that kids who eat with their families frequently are less likely to get depressed, consider suicide, and develop an eating disorder. They are also more likely to delay sex and to report that their parents are proud of them. When a child is feeling down or depressed, family dinner can act as an intervention.
This is especially true of eating disorders, says Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Minnesota's School of Public Health, who has studied the impact of family meal patterns on adolescents. "If a child eats with his or her parents on a regular basis, problems will be identified earlier on," she says. 10 things to say (and 10 not to say) to someone with depression
Family dinners help kids "just say no"
Eating family dinners at least five times a week drastically lowers a teen's chance of smoking, drinking, and using drugs. Teens who have fewer than three family dinners a week are 3.5 times more likely to have abused prescription drugs and to have used illegal drugs other than marijuana, three times more likely to have used marijuana, more than 2.5 times more likely to have smoked cigarettes, and 1.5 times more likely to have tried alcohol, according to the CASA report.
"While substance abuse can strike any family, regardless of ethnicity, affluence, age, or gender, the parental engagement fostered at the dinner table can be a simple, effective tool to help prevent [it]," says Elizabeth Planet, one of the report's researchers, and the center's vice president and director of special projects.
Better food, better report card
Of teens who eat with their family fewer than three times a week, 20% get C's or lower on their report cards, according to the CASA report. Only 9% of teens who eat frequently with their families do this poorly in school.
Family meals give children an opportunity to have conversations with adults, as well as to pick up on how adults are using words with each other, which may explain why family dinnertime is also thought to build a child's vocabulary. 10 habits of healthy families
Put a little cash in your pocket
In 2007, the average household spent $3,465 on meals at home, and $2,668 on meals away from home, according to the national Consumer Expenditure Survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
When you take into consideration that the $2,668 spent on meals away from home only accounts for about 30% of meals (according to historical data), that's about $8 per meal outside of the home, and only about $4.50 per each meal made in your own kitchen. You do the math! (

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Kudos for Me!

Well I think today I can do a little happy dance. I cleaned out the refrigerator, which has been need for a while, got the trash can to the street. AND went to the gym!
As I was doing my bus run this morning I was thinking, yup I'm going to the gym this morning. I am going to earn my fit points for today. Yey, I did it. I did the treadmill for 30 minutes and walked a little over a mile. I am not going to put any stock in the future because tomorrow will take care of itself, but today I feel great.
I have also did well, yesterday, with my meal matrix. I ate so much food yesterday that I still fill full. lol. But my goal each day is three balanced meals and no skipping. Skipping is very bad for those of us a little older then some. I don't bounce back as good as I use to, imagine that.

I even took the time to say a prayer this morning. I made sure that I thanked God for everything He has given me, and boy is there a lot, and I asked if he would help me handle my route this morning. My boss still got upset at me for a minute, and I am a little worried that I won't be released from my contract for next school year, but I am giving it my all. I'm not really a mean person. Granted I still have a lot to learn about handling the public. I have never really had a teacher in this aspect of life and I am having to learn on the fly. When I was a customer service manager at my local Wal-Mart I wasn't ever taught how to handle customers.
But since I have begun my business, and with the lessons I have learned at my school, I am becoming a person I would like to be friends with. I still love my students and my kids are a blessing.
I am actually reading a great book, written by the CEO of The Pampered Chef, Doris Christopher, about the humble beginnings of the company as well as 10 of the success stories of the top Executives within the company. Each person began scared, nervous, and each one took a leap of faith. They began their own business and it grew and grew. As I was reading the stories I realized that they all had a couple of things in common. Each one had a strong faith and each one were trained for something else. Like me, they didn't have much sales experience, if any, with the exception of the Executive that came from HP. But even then she didn't have any satisfaction in selling computers to businesses. All of them have children and all of them have a strong family base and support system. So do I, and thank you for that. But I read one story today that stepped on my toes a little. She asked her daughter if being exposed to this kind of business has influenced her in anyway and the daughter replied YES. I learned that the work must be done first and then you can go play and if you do this everyday like you are supposed to, when you go play it is much more gratifying and fun. 
Another thing I learned is that we are not here to sell products but to teach. We teach. We teach busy parents who to get a well balanced meal on the table but they don't have to spend countless hours in the kitchen cooking a meal their mother's would be proud of. This can be accomplished by teaching them a few tips and tricks to make things easier and faster in the kitchen. We are their to help them bring their families back to the table and reconnect to each other. 3 meals a week at the dinner table keeps our children safe and healthy.

God Bless and Happy Cooking

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Whirlpool of Life

The whirlpool of life can be a vicious cycle. If you don't swim hard enough you won't get out and you will be sucked down the middle into the abyss. I wanted to begin a new chapter in my life and I am finding out that it is very very hard to change. I can tell you that I failed tragically the first week. I lasted exactly one day. I told myself that I had to wait until payday so I could get the proper ingredients to do this thing right. Payday came and went and I never made it to the store. I got real busy with my life instead. I looked for any and all opportunities to do something else other than going to the store.
For some of us this vicious and unforgiving cycle is all about weight loss, but I find that it also translates into how I work my business. I start out strong and then one thing happens that side tracks me and I say, "I'll get back on track tomorrow. I just don't have time today". Dugh, there is no such thing as tomorrow. By the time it's tomorrow it's already today. The whirlpool of life is also called a catch - 22. Now ask yourself what is the definition of a catch - 22.
Yep, that's what they say. And then they say that if you keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results you are insane. Well I guess those of us that don't give up and expect that change are insane then. Or are we just refusing to let go of God's hand, and we keep getting back up and trying again and again.
If we never give up, and each day is a chance at a new beginning, than I would say I am not insane, I just have a tendency to do what Peter did when Jesus asked him to have faith and get out of the boat. He took Jesus hand but he let go, he lost his faith. When things don't go right in my life I want to give up and retreat into my cave. Then the regrets and self loathing comes in. I swear I am my own worst enemy.
I started with the decision that I needed to lose some weight because since I had my back surgery I have become very lethargic. I don't do anything but go to work, come home and either read a book on my tablet, watch tv, play games on my tablet, or work on the computer, and even as easy as that is I don't always do it. It's easy, I just sit here, type what comes to my mind and publish. Type and click a mouse. lol easy right. Then why is it so hard for me to get up and do it. Why is it so hard to stay on a program that is to assist me in losing the weight that I have gained over the years, and furthermore, why is it so hard for me to work my business, and take the steps I need to take to be successful. I think I am afraid of success.
Simple answer: I lose faith, I self-sabotage, I always say I'll do it later, procrastination is my best friend, one that I really wish to lose as a friend. I hate my mind and what it does to me and I will be deep in prayer to change it. There are answers I just need to look for them.

Choose to be happy,

Thursday, May 4, 2017

It's okay to be a kid

How many times have you felt like the above picture. lol. It always makes me laugh. But because we are adults and we have responsibilities we continue to drag on and get it done. We are a persistent lot, aren't we? I was asked a question the other day, "What does it really mean to be an adult"? Well, you are able to pay your bills, you drive a car (responsibly), you own/rent a home, you might have children so you have to worry about taking care of them, making sure they grow up to be responsible adults. That's it, I quit! I don't want to adult! There is too much responsibility!
Look, STOP, breath, step back a minute, shut your eyes and breath. One, remember that you are first and foremost a human being. You don't have everything perfect. If you do than you don't belong down here, you need to be in heaven because the only one who has it perfect is GOD. You are going to make mistakes, kids don't come with instructions, and you need to take time for yourself. I know that might sound a bit selfish to some but everyday is the same. You have to get up and go to work, get the kids ready for school or daycare, if you have them, take the dogs out (again, if you have them), fix your lunch, decide what to have for dinner that night and get it out of the freezer. If you have a baby most likely he/she is crying, wanting Mommy's attention. Stop and cuddle, feed, and diaper. Oh, don't forget to do the laundry, dishes, clean the bathroom, wash the car, give the dog a bath, vacuum the house, put away the kids toys, chase the dust bunnies, do the shopping, cut the grass, weed the flowerbeds, fix the dinner, give the kids a bath, read bedtime stories. Oh, Lord, the list could go on for days. I digress.
What I am trying to say is that it is perfectly okay to take a day off and act like a kid now and then. Take the kids to the water park or a park period. Go to a theme park, a picnic, a pool, somewhere and let go. Let your kids see that you can have fun.
I forget to do this sometimes. I have the most fun jobs though. My first job, other than being a mother, is a bus driver and I love taking the student on their field trips. It doesn't hurt either that I get into most places for FREE. My second job allows me the time for this acting like a kid thing. The Pampered Chef is MY BUSINESS, and I can choose when and where I want to work. I am not chained to a desk or locked away in a room with no windows for 8 hours. I see the sky God made, the flowers, the grass, and all the beauty in the world. Not everything is as bad as the news would have us to believe. YES, no doubt, there is plenty of ugly out there but we have to look within ourselves, our little worlds and decided what we want to see. Is the sky blue or gray. Are the flowers blooming or sleeping. If we let the whole world in at one time it become so overwhelming and it a wonder we aren't all in a rubber room. Stop and look at your house. Gather your family, close the door, turn off the TV and radio, and find your glory in HOME.

In God's love and happy cooking

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Family Time

I know that when an individual takes on a day to day blog it's important to keep it up and alive, but there is something that is a lot more important. I didn't post this weekend, or on Monday, because I had my granddaughter with me all weekend and I didn't want to miss a minute of that precious time, and my other job had me running from place to place all day, lol. Something ​that had been forgotten in the rush and hurry world is the meaning of family time. I am currently reading a really good book about the beginning of the company I work for "The Pampered Chef" by Doris Christopher. One of the things that Doris buts great emphasis, when she decided it was time for her to reenter the workforce, was that she didn't want to lose her family time with her husband and her two girls. She and her husband decided that it might have been time for Doris to start her own business. Long story short she did and it is a HUGE success and she never had to sacrifice her time with her daughters or her husband and is excited to help others achieve their goals. What an inspiration!
Many women (and men) run into the very issue when deciding to go back to work after having children and I am no exception to this rule. I don't have a college education, I didn't attend a trade school, and the only thing my mom taught me was how to be a wife and homemaker. No offence to my Mom, she's great, the best cook in the world and I am blessed that she is still here with me on this earth. It's just that in today's times a person (woman) can't get a good paying job unless she is willing to NOT have a family or she makes sacrifices that she really doesn't want to make with her family such as lost time, lost memories, lost conversations, lost "I love you Mommy's".
So with all that being said, and having worked for "the man", I decided that it was time for me to do the same for myself. Stop working to pay the babysitter and work for myself. Now there is a lot more to my story than is here. My children are 22, 20, and 15. Yup they are grown. They often tell me that I am the best Mom ever and there are no regrets for them. They never felt deprived or neglected. My husband and I did work opposite shifts so one of us was always there for them, and there is the sacrifice. My husband and I didn't spend a lot of time together. We would frequently get into arguments because our child rearing ides were different as well as our housekeeping ideas. It wasn't until later in our lives, about 15 to 16 years ago that we really started to work together. The arguing stopped and life got real good. Money was always tight, it still is today, but that's ok. We learned that we really did love each other very much and that love continues to grow today.
The family time kinda gets lost as our lives go on. We worry about so many things when it comes to our children. We worry about their health, their quality of life, and we spend our time working so hard we forget to listen to them. We push them into sports, we push their academics, and we push the extracurricular activities, and the family is forgotten. Of course there is always the other end of the spectrum and we don't push at all and that, unfortunately, that ends up being the single parent or both parents are so driven they don't pay attention.
As humans I think we have a lot to fix in our lives and trying to find that balance is very, very difficult. But it can be done!

With God's love and happy cooking

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