Every one of us has their own story. Their story about their lives and their why's. Their why's are why they do what they do. Many people have incredible talents and we see this evidence on tv everyday in the form of the entertainment we enjoy, or someone has the most incredible voice and we love to listen to their CD's or on the radio. Then there are others that have a much more quite talents. Some have the talent of hospitality, charity, or they are crafty, and even others talents lie in the kitchen. They cook, bake, stew, simmer, boil, knead dough, use fresh herbs and make people happy through their tummies. I love to make people happy by providing them an excellent meal. Nothing makes me happier then to hear someone say "that was so good. I want your recipe". Most of the time though I stay in the background. I like to hear the compliments but I would rather just stay in the kitchen. Quite talent.
So with my quiet talent, that I have used but kept underwraps for many many years, I come to my why. Why did I decide to join The Pampered Chef? Why do I love to cook? Why do I love kitchen gadgets? To explain my why I will have to go back many years.
In 1986 I graduated from high school. It was a proud accomplishment for me but anything beyond high school was not something I was encouraged to do. No college was suggested, BUT my Catering (home economics) teacher encouraged me to attend a culinary school. I wanted to. I was excited about doing something like that, but I was told it was to expensive and that it was a very difficult profession to be in. Hence, no encouragement. I worked in the retail trade (yuck), K-Mart, Wal-Mart, and Revco (Rite Aid). I had no "education" so I was not going to go anywhere in either of the companies I was in, not to mention I didn't know how to be a manager. I had no training and I was untrainable, at the time. So I worked at these deadbeat jobs until I entered the logistics end of the retail business. Fancy way of saying that I worked in a warehouse. I worked at a couple of them and I found out that I really liked that kind of work but my body, by this time, was breaking down. My spine was compressing the disks in my back and I wasn't able to feel my right foot. All the damage did not just come from the back breaking work I was doing. I was obese all my life and I had two babies. If you know anything about carrying a baby in your tummy you know that it is a front load. I already had a heavy stomach but the added weight of a baby only made the damage to my spine more prevalent. Anyway, in October 2014, I think, I had back surgery to fuse my spinal column down in the lumbar region of my spine and the Doctor cleaned out some arthritis in the spaces below that. He explained that there was much more arthritis there then the x-rays revealed. Well as I laid at home, trying to heal, I came to the realization that there was no way I was going to be able to return to the warehouse. I needed to do something else. Between the retail and the warehouse I did learn to drive a school bus, so I did earn my class B CDL.
So I went to a local private school (on the advice from a friend), did public and didn't want to go back, and got a job driving a bus, again. I love it but I wanted more. With each job I have had I learned that I was uneducated and would always be the grunt. So without a college education and learning on the fly. I decided, with the help of my cousin, that I would be a consultant, but which company. I tried Jamberry Nail Wraps, but it wasn't my passion. Then a friend reminded me of The Pampered Chef. Ah, my passion, cooking and making people happy through delicious foods they enjoyed eating.
I started working with The Pampered Chef in the winter of 2016, February, and I loved it. I finally realized I was worth something. There was no one here telling me that I was never going to go anywhere. I was the leader of my own path! What a wonderful feeling and today I still have to remind myself that this is not a sprint it is a marathon. I am trying to build a quality business to give others the quality of life they deserve or want. I am trying to build others to their God given ability and talents and help them realize they too can give their children their time and earn a quality paycheck.
It has been over a year now with this company and the support my Pampered Chef family has shown me is fantastic. I could not ask for more than what I have here. The love, care, and support is what I am striving to share with others. If you think you would love to achieve your life's dreams you can contact me via my website at https://pamperedchef.biz/thehappytummy
God's Love, Peace, and Joy to you,