Thursday, January 18, 2018

To God all the Credit

I am so tired today. I have done my daily devotional, morning prayer, fed my dogs, took my meds, worked my business, logged my food intake on my Fitbit app, drank, and drinking water, had the largest salad I have ever made, it was so good, and, at the least, did one productive thing at home. I guess its because I have been looking at my computer all day. I have been trying to work my business and my eyes need a break. The problem is when I put down the computer I usually pick up the tablet or a book, and it's to late in the day to take a nap. lol.
Anyway, I am sure that we will be returning to school tomorrow because we have had lots and lots of sunshine today and we did get up to 36 degrees today. The sunshine has been so beautiful today. Since moving our sitting area up into the living room, and it has so much more light that comes into it, I feel so much better. My emotions are higher than they were. My den is such a dungeon.
Praising God for this day and for the things he has given me, I am truly blessed. To him I give all the credit.


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