Wednesday, April 26, 2017

God's hand

So many times in my life I have looked back, hinesight being 20/20, and seen God's hands at work. Let me tell you a story.....
          On Monday of this week I had a lot going on with myself. I was stressed about some projects I had going on and about coming face to face with some people I had upset. Yeah I upset more then one, but wait let's begin on Friday. I drive a school bus and on Friday morning I got very, very upset with one student. When the student exited the bus I yell to them to stop that I needed to talk with them about the situation of bullying another student. I really do not like bullies. I mean really don't like them. The one that instigated the situation told me there was nothing going on so when I was able to get to this student I immediately but that student on the defensive. I asked if they thought it was fair for me to defend them against being bullied and then they turn around and do the same thing to another student. NOT COOL! Well needless to say I didn't handle it right and made the student scared. Man did I feel like a heal. A little while later I went to that student and humbly apologized to them for my reaction. I even went to my boss and apologized. Then on Monday morning I was scared, worried, anxious that the mother of that student was going to get all up in my face and scream and yell at me about Friday. I waited for the student to board the bus and mom just sat there, and she waved at me with a smile on her face as she left the parking lot! Imagine my relief. This is only one situation that God had his hand in on this day. There were a couple more situations as well. It states in our Bible's for us not to worry about our lives. What we eat, wear, or live. Like Jesus did to the raging seas, he raised his hand around my life and said "Be still". In my words that was shut up and let me handle this. I got you. Have some faith will you.
My God is GOOD!

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